Thursday, March 15, 2012

Data, Methods, Ethics

I constructed face to face and telephone interviews throughout the weekend of March 9-11 2012, to deconstruct the research data I am analyzing. My research question seeks to find the difference in preferences between gas and electric cars, and how media and marketing influence those decisions. What I now understand is that society is a main contributor to the construction of media and how it is portrayed to the public. The marketing of vehicles depends strictly on what is being demanded by the public. The marketing of electric vehicles have emerged in great numbers due to the rise of gas prices, and societies desire to have more fuel efficient vehicles. Other major companies that don’t have any electric/hybrid vehicles now have adapted and altered their products to compete with other companies and adjusted to the public need. I found it much more reasonable to go straight to the source, the consumers, to find their opinions on which vehicle is more preferable. Focusing my research on high-end luxury sports cars the Tesla and McLaren to compare the public’s preference for each, and how they believe the media is marketing these products and if they have a significant influence on the sales of the products. On the weekend of March 9 I interviewed a total of 10 people individually audio taping their answers to my 10 questions regarding my research, and recording their preference of vehicles and how the media/marketing skills influences their decision if at all. Each interview took less then 10 minutes but the transcribing process took much longer, about 30-45 minutes for each interview. Before the interview I took all ethical concerns into consideration. First stating who I was and why I wanted to interview them, if they agreed to the interview I then proceeded to get them to sign an informed consent form which provides them with anonymity, inform them that I was audio taping, who would have access to the tapes and the disposition of tapes.

Interview Questions:
1)      Do you own a car?
2)      What type of car do you drive regularly?
3)      Does it have any fuel-efficient qualities? Ex. Pure electric or hybrid.
4)      What kinds of electric/hybrid cars are you familiar with?
5)      If you could would you trade in your vehicle or the one you drive regularly for an electric or hybrid vehicle? Why or why not?
6)      What are some pros and cons of each gas and electric vehicles? Which do you prefer?
7)      Have you heard of Tesla motors or McLaren Vehicles?

8)      After looking at these pictures, what car would you prefer to drive? Why?

      9) After watching each of their respected advertisements does your preference change?
10) Which type of vehicle gas or electric is marketed better overall in your opinion? If electric why do you think more people prefer and are drawn to gas powered vehicles over electric ones?

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